Methodology for educational making activities (IV)

Themes from maker education

Oscar M. Ciuró
5 min readDec 26, 2020
Tools wall at MakerConvent.

“There is only knowledge in the invention, in reinvention, in the restless search.”

Paulo Freire

It is not easy to establish the motivations behind wanting to start educational maker activities. There are usually many factors that influence this. Starting in a space focused on digital fabrication, community engagement and impact. Some key factors which may motivate the creation of a fablab include:

  • to help regenerate places, communities and neighbourhoods
  • to provide services to the local community
  • to educate new makers
  • to advance knowledge of digital technologies and explore new possibilities
  • to support research and development and upgrade knowledge in existing disciplines
  • to provide services to existing industries, especially in prototyping and innovation

The role of technology has a preponderant weight, however without connecting to the real world, everyday activities and day to day problems can seem daunting and frustrating. It is necessary to link more technical activities to creative practices, for which the STEAM methodology calls Arts, and what for us is a way of thinking outside of the world which surrounds us.

The STEAM approach proposes integrating interdisciplinary knowledge in response to new challenges in the formation of responsible citizen-related contexts and makerspaces are physical sites for sharing resources and knowledge to be able to do such tasks. Both methodologies complement each other well, bringing the possibility to participants of resolving a variety of problems through fun and engaging methods.

Traditional education, basically divided into disciplines, does not contemplate the situations present in everyday life. For example, for the construction of a home, problems of thermal insulation, energy, physical construction, material science, costs and project management are brought together. Therefore, it is also important to develop skills in which a higher level of knowledge and organisation of activities is achieved. This allows each of the disciplines to bring their expertise to a project, achieve their individual missions, whilst also collaborating successfully.

When considering how an individual is taught and the processes of learning they go through, it is important to consider the problems that are selected for activities to be based around. This is to ensure that a project’s problem statement for participants, motivates them to construct ideas and develop knowledge. Therefore in Maker Education, when creating the framework of a project, it is essential that the educator does not improvise, and instead takes time to carefully plan the project themes and their objectives.

Makerspaces are self-directed, practical learning areas, which are open to the interaction of teachers, students and diverse multidisciplinary learning staff that enrich a dynamic collaborative learning environment which encourages teamwork.

Makerspaces share the characteristics and benefits of the STEAM approach which are an active and eminently practical methodology that empowers students through; a trial and error system; facilitating inclusion; improving concentration and fostering creativity, curiosity and entrepreneurial culture; encouraging investigation; being accessible for all ages; helping to contribute to the development of problem solving, critical thinking and soft skills.

Through this, it opens up a range of possibilities and interesting topics. Here, we propose some examples but there are also many more outside of these.

Computer Aided Design

Young makers are introduced to computer aided design tools, which they can be encouraged to employ for any engineering design project that they may wish to undertake in the future. Computer aided design tools which can be covered by an educator in a makerspace environment, include; open source and free graphic design softwares such as Inkscape, online 3D modeling softwares such as Tinkercad, and offline 3D modeling softwares such as Sketchup and 123D Design.

An advanced version of the computer aided design module would introduce young makers to softwares specifically tailored for the production of AR/VR application for smartphones and games.

Electronic prototyping

This topic provides an introduction to coding, in which young makers can be invited to explore a number of existing tools for electronic prototyping. Primary learning outcomes can start with circuitry and electronics, with challenges around building simple electric circuits. Participants will then also be able to tackle more advanced electronic prototyping using educational tools specifically tailored for their age range (ex. mBots). They will be able to learn what an electronic device is, which are the basic components of electronic devices (capacitors, resistors, switches, buzzers etc.) and how these function.


Young people can become acquainted with computer programing as well as with the computational way of thinking. An introduction to coding enables learners to explore visual/block coding softwares such as Scratch for Arduino, or mBlock. These coding softwares are specifically designed to suit young individuals through being user friendly and do not require technical or advanced knowledge skills, focusing on a playful approach to learning. The introduction to coding shall provide the young makers with the necessary skills to add a layer of interactivity to their electronic creations, thus, eventually, they will be able to program simple electronic devices to produce sound, light and other effects.

Digital fabrication techniques

Through digital fabrication techniques, young makers can explore practices such as 3D printing, vinyl cutting and laser cutting. Through hands-on experiences of these topics, learners shall be able to understand what digital fabrication is and what are its advantages over traditional fabrication methods.


Robots are electro-mechanical systems designed typically to help people with tedious, repetitive and sometimes dangerous tasks. Robots are comprised of actuators (e.g. servo motors, motors) and sensors.

Engaging with robotics allows young makers to couple electronic prototyping with robotic components. Through a mixture of project-based activities and small challenges, young people can explore the different components that can go into building a robot, such as belts, pulleys, gears and bearings.

Creative activities

Technology has a huge transformative potential in terms of educational practices. However for this, implementation must be accompanied by accessible and well thought out teaching methods. Methodologies such as the Project Based Learning and SCRUM project methodology, focus on the learner taking a lead role in their learning process. It should be encouraged that the learner acts as a co-creator and co-constructor throughout activities which support the exchange of ideas, creativity and collaboration.

Other themes involved in an educational making activity:

  • Cardboard construction
  • Prototyping
  • Woodworking
  • Textiles and sewing

This methodological guide has been made by the consortium of the European Project, Makerspace for Inclusion Nº 2018-l-BE0S-KA205–002425, with the participation of the following associations:

Digijeunes (France), Timelab (Belgium), Horizonlab (Italy), Nod Makerspace (Romania), MakerConvent-Trànsit Projectes (Spain).



Oscar M. Ciuró

Edugestor cultural. International Projects, Consultancy, Digital Culture, Innovation, Fabbing, Inclusion, Participation, Education